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15 Arizona Concealed Carry Permit Course (CCW class) in Mesa in Sierra Vista, Arizona For Sale

Price: $15
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

$15 Arizona Concealed Carry Course in Mesa
Saturday 01/16/16 - 9am - 2pm
Saturday 01/16/16 - 3pm - 8pm
Sunday 01/17/16 - 9am - 2pm
Sunday 01/17/16 - 3am - 8pm
Safe Arizona Firearms Education is now holding 4 $15 Arizona CCW courses at the Safe Arizona Firearms Education Training Facility in Mesa, AZ on the morning and afternoon of Saturday, January 16th, and the morning and afternoon of the 17th. The morning classes run 9am ? 2pm, and the afternoon class runs 3pm - 8pm.
The chief instructor is an NRA certified Training Counselor, instructor, Professional gunsmith, and journeyman firearms engraver. He has over 3 years of professional firearms training experience, and currently certifies NRA Instructors.
While this is a non-shooting course, it will satisfy Arizona DPS training requirements to obtain your permit.
The course will cover defensive pistol selection, ethics of use of force, legal information, basic firearms knowledge, and what to do before, during, and after a defensive shooting incident, and legal information pertaining to use, carry, purchase, and ownership of a firearm.
While we are a constitutional carry state, and we do not need a CCW to carry concealed, the following are some benefits to having a CCW:
1) Reciprocity: several states recognize out CCW and will allow you to carry concealed in their states with our permit. Nevada is one of these states. I have spoken with DPS and they will not update their website until they get a written letter from Nevada, If you need to confirm, you can call 702-828-xxxx.
2) Under federal Law (USC 922(q)(2)(A)) It is illegal to transport your firearm within 1,000 feet of school grounds, unless you have a state issued firearms permit (Arizona CCW qualifies under this)
3) Faster processing for firearms purchases
4) the more you have in your corner if you have to defend yourself in court, the better
5) Be able to carry into alcohol serving establishments concealed
6) Serves as a way of informing a police officer you have a firearm without having to say the word "gun" when interacting with them.
We will have someone on site to do fingerprints for $15. The CCW department of AZ DPS will not accept any clearance cards, including the DPS fingerprint cards. They will require new fingerprint cards to be filled out.
Space is limited. To reserve your spot, contact Gerard at 480-244-xxxx or by email at
We are also on facebook!
Our current calendar can be found here
Arizona DPS requirements for obtaining a CCW can be found here

State: Arizona  City: Sierra Vista  Category: Sport
Sport in Arizona for sale

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